I challenge the public to experience the urban soul and discover a deeper connection with the cities we call home. Let’s create cities together. – Baukje Spaltro
Since 2022, I have worked on my tenth series City Sphere Corvetto, about the genius loci of the Corvetto district in Milan, Italy. Nowadays, the urban identity of European city areas is threatened by plans and gentrification. With my work, I create awareness of the sense of a place and its relation to the input of local people. The people are the cement of the city; they create the soul, the genius loci of a neighborhood.
This Corvetto series is accompanied by my City Sphere Manifesto:
THE ARTISTS VIEW as an invitation into the irrational space of a sphere.
THE GENIUS LOCI is the local identity of an urban space.
FLUORESCENT COLORS influence our perception of urban identity.
MORE AWARENESS about an urban space.
THE VALUE of visual art combined with social intelligence for inclusive cities
Click om the photograph to see the studio works of City Sphere Corvetto
Czech president Vaclav Havel